LogicalDOC 6.0.2 Update

News and other important event for the LogicalDOC community.

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Posts: 714
Joined: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:24 am

LogicalDOC 6.0.2 Update

Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:18 pm

Welcome to your new LogicalDOC 6.0.2 Update!

In this release (6.0.2):

* New Webservice ImportFolder (CRUD operations on import folders)
* New methods listChildren and getRootFolder in Folder WebService
* New method isWriteable in Folder WebService
* Ability to delete or change an attribute from a Document Template
* Compute the path from the root to the target folder (Folder WebService)
* Webservice Documentation

* Document listing order in webservice document.list function
* Upgraded the dependencies from GWT and SmartGWT frameworks

* Searching problems on Author and CustomID fields
* Unable to perform checkin with different file-name
* Exception accessing a document with pending template
* Empty folder when sourceAuthor contains the & (ampersand) character
* Pending folder references lead to exceptions
* Error deleting document type

The Trial version of LogicalDOC is available for download after registration on the website of the product Enterprise Edition

Bugs and other issues should be reported at http://issues.logicaldoc.com.

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