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Document Metadata from DB?

LogicalDOC has many interesting features, but requires some configuration process to show its full potential.

Moderator: car031

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Joined: Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:07 pm

Document Metadata from DB?

Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:19 pm


I'm trying to work out if I can link uploaded documents to metadata stored in a different DB?

For example I'm uploading Works Orders into the DMS. Each WO has a unique ID which can be linked in this case to an ERP system on SQL where we have a lot of data about that works order.

If I could look upto the SQL DB (Table or View) and pick the WO number, it would populate date, product, qty etc from the SQL DB rather than having to key it in again.

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Re: Document Metadata from DB?

Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:31 am

Hi Steve,
you can define a new Template (a new type of document) and in this template you can add an attribute which holds the unique ID.
Then it is up to you, LogicalDOC doesn't know anything about the logic you want to implement. But you can search LogicalDOC contents via web-services or you can run queries on the DB.
Attribute values are stored in table ld_document_ext

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