6.4 document check in/out and versioning

LogicalDOC has many interesting features, but requires some configuration process to show its full potential.

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Re: 6.4 document check in/out and versioning

Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:46 am

In LogicalDOC 6.4.1 the version control system, used from the Web GUI, works properly.
Also tested on the demo online which is a 6.4.1 Cloud and it runs as expected.

Are you using a 6.4 version or a 6.4.1 version?
What is your operating system, version of the Java virtual machine, database type and version?

If possible I suggest you to rerun the test,
it could be a problem that has already been fixed in version 6.4.1, even though it seems strange that there's no trace in the issue tracker LogicalDOC Milestone 6.4.1
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Re: 6.4 document check in/out and versioning

Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:40 am

Document Editing Made Easy
The Document Manager Check In/Check Out feature gives you control over the editing and updating of your documents. Only one person can edit a document at a time, making version control simple and secure. No matter how many people need to edit or update a document, everyone will always have the latest version.
Simple Content and Version Control
Files are “checked out” by a user and locked during editing. Only one person can edit the document at a time. Once the user is finished with their edits, they simply “check in” the document and the file is automatically updated to the most current version. This easy-to-use and powerful feature eliminates problems managing multiple versions of a document. You control what version is worked on at all times.

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