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Preview Document API
Moderator: car031
Re: Preview Document API
You can use the web-services of the document to work with previews.
The relevant methods are:For more information: ... tThumbnail
These methods are also available in the SOAP API
#Note: In the community edition the generation of thumbnails and the preview of documents is only available for some documents.
The commercial editions instead support the preview of a much wider set of formats thanks to the presence of numerous format converters. See the feature matrix comparison
The relevant methods are:
Code: Select all
/document/createPdf [Creates the PDF conversion of the given document]
/document/createThumbnail [Creates the thumbail of the given document]
/document/getResource [Gets the content of a resource]
/document/thumbnail/{type}/{docpath} [Gets the thumbnail]
/document/uploadResource [Uploads a new resource of the document] ... tThumbnail
These methods are also available in the SOAP API
#Note: In the community edition the generation of thumbnails and the preview of documents is only available for some documents.
The commercial editions instead support the preview of a much wider set of formats thanks to the presence of numerous format converters. See the feature matrix comparison
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