listDocuments function requires 'filename' argument

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listDocuments function requires 'filename' argument

Fri Dec 02, 2016 2:32 pm

As you can see here : ... l#method27 In the request part, it mentions that the 'fileName' argument is NOT required. But when I am trying to use the listDocuments function it won't let me if I don't provide the 'fileName' argument.

I want to use listDocuments function without filtering for certain filenames. I want to get a full list of the documents in a folder. What can I do?
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Re: listDocuments function requires 'filename' argument

Tue Dec 27, 2016 12:48 pm

Hi flogical,
listDocuments in fact needs that parameter and it is used as a filter on the names of the documents found.
If you want all the files of a folder just use the character "*" or pass and empty string ""

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