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multi language site
Moderator: car031
multi language site
Managing multi language represents the bane of my life. Surely there must be a system that minimises the toing and froing between what is essentially the same system. How does this system stack up?
Re: multi language site
LogicalDOC manages multilanguage with two levels:
1) localization of the graphical user interface (GUI)
2) at the level of the document
The first option is very simple, in practice during the login the user can choose the display language of the interface.
Furthermore, the user can select the language in his profile, avoiding this step
The second level of localization allows the system to know the language of each document.
In this way (if available) LogicalDOC will apply the rules of indexing specific to the language of the document.
This allows you to perform smarter full-text searches
For more information, please refer to the specific page of the site ... pport.html
1) localization of the graphical user interface (GUI)
2) at the level of the document
The first option is very simple, in practice during the login the user can choose the display language of the interface.
Furthermore, the user can select the language in his profile, avoiding this step
The second level of localization allows the system to know the language of each document.
In this way (if available) LogicalDOC will apply the rules of indexing specific to the language of the document.
This allows you to perform smarter full-text searches
For more information, please refer to the specific page of the site ... pport.html
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