LogicalDOC Outlook Add-in

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Moderator: car031

Posts: 242
Joined: Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:40 pm

LogicalDOC Outlook Add-in

Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:47 pm

If you are a Microsoft® Outlook user, you might be interested in the new LogicalDOC Outlook Add-in - http://www.logicaldoc.com/outlook-add-in.html.

With this new feature you will be able to Securely Store and Share Emails and Documents from your preferred e-mail client.

* Securely store emails and attachments in your self hosted or cloud LogicalDOC instance
* Easily share documents stored in LogicalDOC with coworkers via email
* Use LogicalDOC's powerful search to find emails and attachments you've saved to the archive
* Add documents to routing workflows for approvals
* Let LogicalDOC to handle alerts to documents for future review by coworkers e.g. contract renewals

Regards from the LogicalDOC team

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