The LogicalDOC development team is happy to announce the availability of LogicalDOC CE 7.2
You can get this distribution in various formats from SourceForge: ... t/download
LogicalDOC is a web-based document management software with a modern interface, easy to use and very fast.
It uses open source Java frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate and Lucene in order to provide a flexible and scalable DMS solution.
Thanks to the most advanced presentation technology, LogicalDOC offers an unrivaled user experience with a refined and responsive interface.
LogicalDOC Community Edition is completely free and allows companies and individuals to centralize the management, storage, retrieval and distribution of documents.
For a complete feature list, take a look at
Bugs fixed:
Renaming Tags does not work
Count column reports zero for tags on search tab
Searching tags by clicking on the alphabetical characters is incorrect
Compare metadata does not display changes to tags
Preview of older document versions displays latest version only
Default max hits always 40 in tags search
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The LogicalDOC development Team
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Released LogicalDOC Open Source DMS 7.2
Moderator: car031
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