The LogicalDOC Development Team is proud to announce the availability of LogicalDOC CE 7.4.2
You can get this distribution in various formats from the LD's website: ... t/download
LogicalDOC is an open source document management system with a modern interface, easy to use and very fast.
It uses best-of-breed Java frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate and Lucene in order to provide a flexible and scalable DMS solution.
Thanks to the most advanced presentation technology, LogicalDOC offers an unrivaled user experience with a refined and responsive interface.
LogicalDOC Community Edition is completely free and allows organizations and individuals to centralize the management, storage, retrieval and distribution of documents.
For a complete list of features, take a look at
New features:
367 - Ability to send messages to groups of users - Core
619 - Full HTML5 preview - User Interface
456 - Update WebDAV API - WebDAV
614 - Support for locking in WebDAV protocol - WebDAV
535 - Display hostname on under System information - User Interface
544 - Option to generate download ticket link - Core
547 - Ability to work on multiple folders - User Interface
576 - Template: Cleanup orphaned preset options - Core
582 - Gallery View Sort Order Change - Core
595 - Possibility to append Signature on function send by email - User Interface
600 - Ability to have Template EXT Properties arranged in more than two columns - User Interface
611 - HTML5 files uploader - User Interface
613 - Finnish localization - User Interface
605 - Updated GWT and SmartGWT - User Interface
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The LogicalDOC Development Team
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LogicalDOC Community 7.4.2 released on SourceForge
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