Assign rights to a single file in a folder.

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Assign rights to a single file in a folder.

Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:35 pm

Hello, I am testing the Open Community Edition version 6.4 and havent seen this feature. I think it is a must to be able to set rights to single files in open folders for users or user groups. Currently we can set user or usergroup rights for folders, but we cant set it for single files.
It would be really awesome if you could add this feature or a way to do it, since a lot of users need to quickly share a folder and give rights to single files without having to worry about the global folder right.

A lot of thanks for this great product.
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Re: Assign rights to a single file in a folder.

Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:21 am

Having file-based permissions will lead to performance issues during searches, that's why the security model is based on folders. Of course you can use the 'Document Alias' feature to let a user(or a group of users) to operate on specific documents that are normally unaccessible.

Copy the reserved documents and paste them as aliases in your 'public' folder. The 'public' users will be able to operate on this documents selection even if they don't have access to the reserved area.
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Re: Assign rights to a single file in a folder.

Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:53 am

Well I can understand the issue if we add a lot of permissions which could conflict with search and refresh of the tree, but we can add just a small permission without affecting for performance, which will improve the user experience and control of the file.
- Adding Download Permission for individual files wont be an issue since it wont affect the search, and the permission check will be done inside the DownloadFile() function.

I think it could be a very good addition for users without affecting performance, giving them more options to control their own files and letting access to others.
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Re: Assign rights to a single file in a folder.

Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:19 am

The internals of LogicalDOC don't work in this way and in any case is not professional to leave all features opened so every user can click 'download' and then receive an error if the download permission was not granted.
On the other hand checking permission for every record in the results list or in the folder browsing will lead to performance issues.

I understand your position, but performances are strategic for LogicalDOC.

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