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LogicalDOC as a collaboratve SW: folder news

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LogicalDOC as a collaboratve SW: folder news

Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:30 pm


I am evaluating LogicalDOC 7.1.3 Community.
I would like to use it as a collaborative software.
I would organize the root folder in the following way:
Each user can work on one or more projects and will have a folder for each project in the root folder:
root (default)
- Project 1
- Project 2
- Project 3
- ...

It would be very useful if each user could select one folder (e.g. Project 1 or a sub-folder) and be given the possibility to view all events/changes (new files, updated files, new folders, delete files/folders, new/deleted notes...) on that folder, subfolders and files (i.e. all new events on Project 1 if Project 1 folder was selected).
The new events since the last user's login can be highlighted in bold font (similarly to unread emails on many email clients) and a click on an entry will bring the focus to the related modified item and un-highlight (but not remove) the notification entry.
In this way it would be very easy to keep track of all changes on a project and check the last events. This is a key feature for a proficient team work.

I read that notification is reserved to the Commercial edition, but I don't know how it is implemented and if the feature I suggested can be interpreted as notification (and thus only reserved to the Commercial edition).

Are there any plans to implement such a feature?
I wolud also like to ask if someone can suggest a collaborative software with such a feature, and that have at least the current LogicalDOC's features (wich, incidentally, are nice and almost complete for my purposes).

Many thanks,
Kind Regards
Posts: 80
Joined: Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:46 am

Re: LogicalDOC as a collaboratve SW: folder news

Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:47 am

Hi tomatoma,

the feature you are looking for is present in commercial versions of LogicalDOC under the name "Events Subscription" ... ption.html

The notification feature is a different thing.

For more information about the feature event subscription you can consult the online documentation ... ers/alerts

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