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postgresql 14 jdbc connection string during setup

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postgresql 14 jdbc connection string during setup

Thu Nov 04, 2021 4:24 pm

I have installed logicaldoc community edition but when doing the setup, I am not sure the jdbc connection string is ok.

I have written this: jdbc:postgresql:[<//>[<:5432>/]]<logicaldoc>

But the setyp won't proceed as it gives internal error 500.

Can someone who knows postgres verify that the connection string given by me is valid?
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Re: postgresql 14 jdbc connection string during setup

Tue Nov 30, 2021 9:36 am

The problem is that the driver used by LogicalDOC community 8.6.1 is not 100% compatible with PostgreSQL 14.
That driver is only compatible with PostgreSQL 11
You can setup your PostgreSQL 14 to run with password authentication = md5 and in that way you will be able to operate

Or you can simply switch the java library of the driver to a newer version (ex. 42.3.1) and then run again the setup from the web-interface

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