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Search Has Stopped Working - broken segment

We tried to make LogicalDOC as intuitive as possible, but an advice is always welcome.

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Search Has Stopped Working - broken segment

Thu Feb 24, 2022 9:39 pm

We have the community version of LogicalDoc, version 7.3. Has been running for many years now. Close to 450,000 documents stored so far. We have suddenly lost the ability to search for documents. The rest of the software appears to function normally. Under the Administration->Settings->Search & Indexing->Check button found in the log the error message "WARNING: 1 broken segments (containing 279995 documents) detected". Does anyone know if this error may be related to our "Search" not working? Does anyone know anything we can do to try to get our searches to start functioning again? When we search for any string, the system now returns no results. However, if we look for the documents via the folder structure we can find them. Thank you in advance for any help.
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Re: Search Has Stopped Working - broken segment

Thu Apr 14, 2022 9:03 am

Hi @rhazzard,
the error you saw definitely prevents the full-text search engine from reading the index correctly and therefore you cannot perform full-text searches.

If you have an index backup (with the index working) you should restore it.
Be careful to completely delete the contents of the index folder C:\LogicalDOC\repository\index\logicaldoc\data\index
and replace it with your backup.
You must perform this operation with LogicalDOC turned off !!

If you don't have a backup you need to:
1) clean the contents of the index folder C:\LogicalDOC\repository\index\logicaldoc\data\index
2) Mark all documents as to be indexed

While the system re-indexes documents you can do full-text searches on documents already indexed
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Joined: Mon Apr 19, 2010 2:20 pm

Re: Search Has Stopped Working - broken segment

Thu Apr 14, 2022 9:08 am

Here is an interested link that I found and that can help you to get rid of the broken segment
Keep in mind that if you do that you will loose all the content inside that index segment, and that means that all the documents indexed in there will not result in search queries ... -corrupted

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