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LogicalDOC CE 8.4.2 Open Source DMS available!

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LogicalDOC CE 8.4.2 Open Source DMS available!

Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:58 pm

The LogicalDOC's development team is pleased to announce the availability of LogicalDOC CE 8.4.2

You can get this distribution in various formats from the LD's website: ... -community

LogicalDOC Community Edition is free (libre) software (FLOSS) and allows organizations and individuals to centralize the management, storage, retrieval and distribution of documents.

The software application offers a lot for your document management needs with a multilingual, desktop interface and user-friendly features such as multilingual full-text indexing, full version control, task manager, importing from zip files, and document searching to keep control of your documents.

LogicalDOC is localized in many languages: Russian, English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Italian and many others and one of its most interesting features is its ability to index the content of documents using different algorithms depending on the language of the document. This allows later to perform "smart" full-text searches.

LogicalDOC Community provides a set of SOAP and REST API interfaces that allow the system to be integrated with other applications. The web-service API documentation is available in the LogicalDOC documentation website
In addition, a WebDAV and a CMIS interface are available. Native apps for Android and iOS are published and available as free download on Google Play and iTunes.

Changes since v8.3.4
  • New REST web-services: DocumentMetadata, System and many new methods for document and folders management
  • Support for .jfif image files
  • Control labels of the preview are garbled, tangled
  • Versions tab empty when filename contains the ampersign
  • Checkout and Lock does not work properly on alias (link) documents
  • Extended attributes of type Folder
  • Save documents grid layout on a per folder basis
  • configurable delimiters for the worddelimiter search filter
  • The administrator can force the interface settings of a user and replicate the same to a selection of users
  • Maximum number of download criteria for Download Tickets (Web-service)
  • Reports of current download tickets
  • The calculation of documents tagged by word does not work
The general LogicalDOC documentation is available at the following address

An official Docker project for LogicalDOC Community is available at

The LogicalDOC's Development Team

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