LogicalDOC version 6.3.5 has just been released.
You can download the new 30 days Trial version of LogicalDOC Enteprise Edition from our website.
Here is a complete list of the changes
LogicalDOC 6.3.5 (2012-02-15; logicaldoc-6.3.5)
180 Move folder name to beginning of tab/window title - Improvement - User Interface
184 Additional characters for usernames - Improvement - User Interface
190 Indicate effective search depth - Improvement - User Interface
179 Pdf generated correctly but not downloaded - Bug - User Interface
186 Connection unlinked after scroll - Bug - User Interface
* Document upload folder not cleaned after checkin - GUI
* Incorrect file Uploaded after repeated chekin/checkout - GUI
* Export to Zip does not generate a zip - GUI
The LogicalDOC Development Team
The contents you find here are totally obsolete so do not use this website to obtain a solution for your issues: the indications you get from here will not be accurate and may lead to data loss or other mayor problems
Released LogicalDOC Enteprise Edition v6.3.5
Moderator: car031
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