We have posted the updated APIs on SWAGGERhub to the following address: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/swatzni ... _api/7.7.6
While the same documentation (but with older formatting) is available at https://docs.logicaldoc.com/en/web-services-api.
Among other things we have released on SourceForge.net the project of a web-application that together with that of LogicalDOC allows you to try and run some API commands,
displaying the string of commands of curl. It is available at the following address: https://sourceforge.net/projects/logica ... 0CE%207.7/
The LogicalDOC development team
The contents you find here are totally obsolete so do not use this website to obtain a solution for your issues: the indications you get from here will not be accurate and may lead to data loss or other mayor problems
The documentation of LogicalDOC v7.7.6 REST services is available online
Moderator: car031
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